Saturday, February 12, 2011

7 month updates!

There is a light at the end of this miserable snow tunnel. It's supposed to hit 50 degrees at the end of the week! It's inspired me to write!

1) NE Winters Suck:
The snow's been awful here. The ceilings in our kitchen, dining room and 2 bedrooms leaked due to ice dams. The bedroom ceilings are destroyed. It didn't matter what we did, there was no way to get through the 6+ inches of ice on the roof without putting a chainsaw to it. Hopefully, with the help of our homeowners' insurance, it will be a distant memory soon.
2) A questionable number 2:
Nickie and I are on a message board for the sperm bank we used. We got wind that they were shutting down for "reorganization". Some said it was bankruptcy, some think it's an FDA investigation. We do know that orders abruptly stopped. We called and emailed to have our 4 stored vials of Dillon's donor shipped here to store locally, but never heard back. Our next child (who we aren't planning on bringing to fruition for a while) is in genetic limbo. We're not sure what to do next. I guess we'll see how the story evolves for a few more weeks.
3) Coming to a catalog near you?
I brought Dillon to an open call for a modeling agency last month. I brought her to the call on Saturday and they accepted her on Monday morning. We went back and forth about whether she should really do it for a while. We worried the pressure to get her ready- the call alone was a bit stressful to get her up and out by 8am. We worried about the distance we'd have to go- the agency represents publications from Maine to NJ. We worried about the cost- There's an upfront investment of $175. We have to pay this once to have her photos edited every 2 months until she's 3.
In the end, we did it. We figure if a job works for us and our schedules, great. If not, we'll just turn it down. It would be kind of cool to see her in a catalog or ad and I think she'll actually enjoy it. She loves attention and new people. Obviously, if we have a bad experience, we'll just stop.
4) Defattening:
We're getting there. Nickie and I have been dieting since new years. It's been slow, but we're both losing and feeling a lot better. Hooray for not being fat moms!

Here's some photos we took this week.

Dillon came to visit me at work!

Tutu pics!

We hope everyone's staying warm!
